You have written the absolute truth, Jeanne. I would not have had the courage to return to Russia. I wish he hadn't. I wish he had battled from the outside. But it was his courageous decision to return to a slow death. I wish we had a Alexei Navalny in the US who could put fire in the hearts of all of us who recognize the evil in Donald Trump. Make us swarm the streets with banners and signs in opposition to his candidacy. Who knows. Maybe we will.

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Thank you Jeanne for your wisdom and fortitude. We live in such potentially dark and unsettling times. Here is a quote that helps and steadies me by Martin Luther:

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”

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A fine posting, Jeanne. Spot on. Thank you for sharing this. Delighted to see the Mandela quote included. It’s one I remind myself of often.

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All so true, Jeanne. Thank you.

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I so often want to write about these edgy political days! You have inspired me to pick up my pen and speak the truth is I see it. Thank you! Your words were clear and bold. From you, I would expect nothing less! Peace.

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Well said. Sylvie

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