Oh the memories!!! Thank you Jeanne. I wish I had saved mine too. They were truly a work of art compared to the iPhones and computers we have today. Looking at the picture of the typewriter brought back memories of my father sitting at the dining room table with his. Sweet!

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As mentioned I do have my own system which works for me. I took one summer of typing but it just didn't stick in my brain. I wish it had. I use about 4 fingers. I remember this cute girl I was in love with during college who typed a few papers for me. Wonder if you remember her? LOL. I loved those little round pink erasers on a roller with the brushes on one end to brush away the dirt. And having to be so careful how much I erased so as not to put a hole in the paper. I can see your dad sitting at that table with his pipe in his mouth, his eye on the TV and typing away to all his army buddies.Thanks for the memories.

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I was one of those guys who took typing in junior high. As computers came on line, that proved a great advantage. Remember when the IBM Selectric electric typewriter was marketed? Seems like the most cutting edge technologies imaginable!

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I’m so glad I took typing in middle school and high school! It has been very useful and I am a very fast typist—but not as fast as my mom! 😂

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The best class I took in high school was typing. Next best was sewing. Next was Spanish. All the math classes were a total waste. Algebra I and II. geometry, calculus, trig - waste! History, social studies, literature-all good. Even shorthand was useful. Like you, Jeanne, I have typed on every imaginable machine. Remember how we used to correct mistakes while typing on NCR paper? I have a permanent bump on the first joint of my index finger from erasing multiple copies. Unlike you, after college I worked as a secretary then paralegal for eight years before I want to law school. Lots of typing. Even my 33 years of law practice required typing every day drafting pleadings and preparing documents. And I still love typing!

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I had a hand me down smith corona from my mother as a graduation present from high school.’y mother also insisted I take typing so I’d always have a job. Lots of visual imagery in this piece thx

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I have a wonderful visual image of your Dad typing in prime position! Thank you, as always.


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