Mar 24·edited Mar 24

Ah, well, I am a fan of three sports: Carolina football, the Chicago Cubs baseball, and UNC

basketball. The Cubs are the only sport I can watch with my husband. You have heard us say we aren't baseball fans, we are Cubs fans. Before we retired we traveled all over the National League Central to watch them play (Chicago, Atlanta, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Washington DC) and knew most of the names of the team (Wood, Sosa, Grace, Sandburg, Zambrano, Maddux, etc).

Carolina football: I went to law school with Chris Kupec (now a big-time Charlotte attorney) and I followed Matt Kupec and Mark Maye.

Now I am enjoying the heck out of Tarheel basketball and, like Jeanne, I know their names. My college roommate Lisa and I live 240 miles apart but nothing can keep us from watching the games and keeping up a running reaction to the game by text message!

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Love this!

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