Apr 20Liked by Jeanne Finan

As always, an entertaining and informative blog. I certainly agree with your political observations - I am typing slowly as all my fingers are crossed, watching the House vote on the foreign aid bills (just passed the first one). Too kind your comments on my blog, but I hope people do check out the Five Hour link - I swear by it. And we're glad you like the pimento cheese as much as we do! We are loving the cheese you dropped off with us, too. Cheese may be proof of a beneficent universe.

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Apr 20Liked by Jeanne Finan

I can relate to a number of your "Bits and Pieces" today, Jeanne. First, I too am angry with the pro-Putin members of Congress who are trying to destroy our country. But a blog I read this morning suggested the winds are turning (Robert Hubbell) - may it be so. And The Women! Oh, The Women. I loved that book and have recommended it to both book clubs that I am in. I couldn't put it down either. My favorite pimento cheese is exactly what you described - cheese, pimento, and

Duke's mayo. That is all I make - don't buy it ever. Thanks for your thoughts today. Always a pleasure to see them in my inbox.

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I loved The Women. I was riveted from the 1st page! I didn't read it in 1 day though! Good for you.


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Enjoyed this and I feel what you are feeling. There is An ATC group on Facebook. I have made them also and traded with a local group.

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As a boy from PA I never knew what Pimento Cheese was until you introduced me to it many years ago. I also had never heard or nor tasted Duke's Mayo. I remember seeing a Palm Beach Burger on the menu at the Gridiron Restaurant in Memphis and seeing that it was a hamburger with Pimento Cheese. I was hooked and it was delicious plus they had amazing french fries and milkshakes. I won't go down the politics rabbit hole today but rest assured most days I do! Let's hope that Ukraine gets to help from US it so desperately needs.

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